Monday, 16 February 2015

Getting deep.......

Hey everyone

Okay. Just stop for five minutes and think about how lucky you are even if you are going through a really tough time and you feel really down and like nothing will ever be the same again. 

Just stop. 

In everybody's life there are ups and downs sometimes really, really bad downs and you feel like it can't get any better but just think there can be really, really good ups if you let there be if you let yourself move on. 

Talk to people. 

Your never alone. 

Nobody has a perfect life but wouldn't your life just be boring if everything ran smoothly how would you learn from your mistakes? How would you appreciate the good things? Sometimes bad things are just meant to happen because in the end something good may come out of it. 

No one can predict your future even if they claim they can because you make the decisions in your life nobody can choose them for you.

 The only person that can predict your future is you.

Remember its your life. Live it how you want(within reason). Most importantly remember you are perfect because your you and nobody else.

Sorry this was really deep and proberly didn't make any sense, but if any of this helped at least one person then I'll be happy.

The reason I posted this is because I keep having really deep thoughts, so I thought I would let them out.(And I really wanted to write a post.)

Thanks for reading. I love you guys. 
Remember the real you is better than the fake you.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx 

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