So yesterday I posted about my fear of having no confidence (not being able to speak infront of people not being good enough etc)I'm not even sure if its a proper fear. But I looked it up and there is one of public speaking called glossophobia.
Anyway normally all I wear is Trackys or jeans cause I feel comfortable in them but today I went out in public in Jeggings! I know tht must sound stupid but they looked like leggings and they were way out of my comfort zone I don't know why but I felt exposed in then and like my thighs were the size elephants it sounds so stupid I know, but for once I don't mind. So today I did something or wore something completely out of my comfort zone and nobody laughed or judged me (not that I'm aware of anyway)I felt good for once.
Thanks for reading
Let me know in the comments if you've faced your fear or what your fear is. Or you can tweet me @musicmystery4 #faceafear
I love hearing from you guys
Bye from the girl with the blog xx
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