Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Fail Update

Hey everyone 

Today is my what I want to have done before the summer update. Well this should be interesting as all of them have failed so far. So my first one was to get my knees sorted that was going well until last week at the phisyo when she said thinks I've gone back a bit. But I still want to push myself and get better.
My second one was being healthy. Okay so I'm gonna be honest this one was never gonna work I have ate chocolate and cakes nearly every day since I wrote that post but again I'm still gonna try and I ain't givin up yet.

And finally my 3rd one was never missing a day posting to this blog. Well you can already see how bad that ones gone i don't even think I've posted so far this week I've been really busy with projects that I've been behind with that are due in. Ahhhh that's such a bad excuse. True. But a bad excuse.

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this post let me know how your goals or New Years resolutions are coming along in the comments below. Love you guys.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Thursday, 22 January 2015

Happy !

Hey everyone 
Today I'm giving you my top 5 tips to feeling happy. I would just like to point out I'm not an expert these are just things that work for me.

Tip 1!!! Smile. It's really that simple even if you feel rubbish just smile. 

Tip 2!!! Sit somewhere quiet and just think about all the good things that you have in your life so that you can see not everything is bad.

Tip 3!!! Go out with friends or family so you don't feel alone.

Tip 4!!! Watch a film and eat some chocolate!!!!!!

Tip 5!!!! Try something new. You never know you might find something you are good at to take your mind off any bad things.

I hope you enjoyed this post let me know in the comments any tips you have.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Short and late oooops

Hey everyone 

Sorry this is short and late but here's my favourite tweet / quote of the day.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Help !?!?

Hey everyone 

Today I just wondered if you guys could give me some advice. I'm wanting to buy a camera but I'm not sure which make is the best and because they are not cheap i don't want to get a rubbish one. So if you know which ones are good could you let me know in the comments or on twitter @musicmystery4 

Sorry this isn't very exciting but tomorrow's will be better that I can promise!
Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Monday, 19 January 2015

Revision :(

Hey everyone 

As we are all back to school this post is proberly quite late but better late than never. Today I thought I'd do a post on revision tips so here you go.

Tip 1: set out a plan, do half an hour to an hour of one subject then have a break and do another subject.

Tip 2: write things down. Some people prefer to just read things but it also helps to write it down.

Tip 3: listen to music. I know some people can't concentrate if they're listening to music at the same time but I like to as it blocks out any noice.

Tip 4: find a quite place to revise. Sit in a room by yourself so you don't have any distractions 

Tip 5: make a to do list. Sounds weird but I am so unorganised so I decided to make one and it actually really does keep you organised.
SPOILER ALERT!!! I'm going to be posting a DIY to do list soon so watch out for that 

Tip 6: write in bright colours. This is great because it makes your notes easy to read and puts a little bit of excitement into revising. Well they do for me anyway. 
(The things that make me excited haha)

I hope you enjoyed my post let me know what you thought or any tips you have for anyone else in the comments below.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Sunday, 18 January 2015

Don't give up

Hey everyone 

Today I just wanted to tell you all to be you and never give up on your dreams because you never know they might come true. 

the real you is better than the fake you and never forget that 

Sorry if this was cringy , I just really wanted to say that. 
Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Saturday, 17 January 2015

A little quote

Hey everyone

As I promised I'm posting to this blog everyday and I normally know what I'm gonna write about but today I just can't seem to think of anything I've already written a post but Didnt publish it because it was that bad.

Today I've just decided to show you this quote and tell you why I like it so much.

Okay so the reason I love this quote so much is because what it is saying is true if your not happy somewhere your going to have to take an adventure to find out where your most happy not anybody else but where you feel safe and happy wether that's the other side of the world or the park across the road but you will have to go on a adventure untill you know that that is the place you belong.

You also might have to take different paths in your life until you feel happy.

Thanks for reading sorry if I rambled and went deep I just can't seem to think of the right things to write tonight. Let me know in the comments your favourite quote and why.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Friday, 16 January 2015

Don't forget to smile!

Hey everyone 


So today has actually been good for once I actually enjoyed school! Yep I actually just said that and no your not dreaming. 
Okay so in my first lesson we got given hot chocolate and chocolate cake like what's not to love about that. I also found out that I passed my science exams so I can take them next year which I am sooooo happy about. 
Oh and I also found out that me and my friend are moving maths classes. As I mentioned in my teachers post I hate my maths teacher so I'm soooooo happy about that.

So yeah they are not that exciting but they've made me really happy. Let me know in the comments three things that have happened this week that made you smile. And don't forget that it doesn't matter what happens just try to smile!

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Thursday, 15 January 2015

Summer 2015 !!!

Hey everyone 
So today's I wanted to talk about some things I want to have accomplished by summer 2015 I know that's ages away but you'll understand more when you hear what they are.

Okay ........

Número 1: so I have something wrong with my knees which has stopped me doing any type of sport/excercise since about October/November time last year. My aim is to focus really hard on the things I've been told to do by my phisyo so that I can do any type of excercise again.

Número 2: to be healthy. This is quite a common one with lots of people but every year at summer time everyone is out in shorts and anybody that knows me well knows that I feel so uncomfortable in them and self conscious, but this year as part of #faceafear that I mentioned in my last post I want to concur that fear and go out in public in a pair of shorts and feel good about myself.

And finally,

Número 3: I want to never miss a day of posting on this blog (hu failed already. Didnt post yesterday oooops ) I really enjoy posting on this where I can be me and talk about anything really. I know there's only really me who will ever read this but I don't care because I enjoy it so much and if other people read it and enjoy it too then that's just a great bonus.

So if you did take time to read my blog, thanks.
Let me know in the comments what you want to accomplish by summer 2015.

Bye from the girl with the blog xxx

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


Hey everyone

so today I had two science exams and I was sat in one of them thinking about what to blog tonight and then I realized that the thing to blog about was right in front of me. No not the pen or the paper but the teachers.
            We've all been taught by teachers so I figured this would be good to blog about and I have a lot to talk about it so lets begin.

Teacher 1= The you cant pack up yet there's still 1 minute to the bell teacher. We all have this teacher that make you continue writing write up until the bell (see what i did there 'write'no.....okay moving on )

Teacher 2= the can't control the class teacher. okay so for me this is definitely my maths teacher she must be the worst teacher in the world. I mean for example the other day someone was putting fake nails on and she didn't even notice!!! And she always gets the answers wrong most of the time ts the pupils teaching the teacher!

Teacher 3= the one with bad dress sense. I know everyone has different fashion sense and some might be to your taste or not but seriously my headteacher like where does she get her clothes don't get me wrong shes a lovely person but her clothes are about hmmmmm interesting.

Teacher 4= the monotone voiced teacher. This HAS to be my Chemistry teacher his voice is soooo boring but hes a good teacher but you just cant pay attention for that long.

Teacher 5= The teacher who has nicknames. This is definitely my Biology teacher she is lovely but she calls a lot of her pupils eekyboo which is kinda cringy and embarrassing when she calls you it in front of the class luckily I don't get targeted too much!

hope you enjoyed reading let me know what your teachers are like in the comments below
bye from the girl with the blog xx
P.S I don't mean any offence by this they are all lovely people xx

Sunday, 11 January 2015


Hey everyone
So yesterday I posted about my fear of having no confidence (not being able to speak infront of people not being good enough etc)I'm not even sure if its a proper fear. But I looked it up and there is one of public speaking called glossophobia.
Anyway normally all I wear is Trackys or jeans cause I feel comfortable in them but today I went out in public in Jeggings! I know tht must sound stupid but they looked like leggings and they were way out of my comfort zone I don't know why but I felt exposed in then and like my thighs were the size elephants it sounds so stupid I know, but for once I don't mind. So today I did something or wore something completely out of my comfort zone and nobody laughed or judged me (not that I'm aware of anyway)I felt good for once.
Thanks for reading
Let me know in the comments if you've faced your fear or what your fear is. Or you can tweet me @musicmystery4 #faceafear 
I love hearing from you guys 
Bye from the girl with the blog xx

Saturday, 10 January 2015

Facing my fears ?

Hey everyone 
Today I was reading Zoe Suggs first novel 'girl online' (great book by the way)
Anyway there's a bit in the book that talks about facing your fears. 
Everyone has fears I know I have loads but my biggest fear is being confident and my weight I just am not confident and that does have its cons.
So I've decided that this year I'm going to be more confident and not care what other people think. I don't want to just do and wear what everyone else does just because I'm to scared to be myself. That's why I love this blog so much cause I can just be me without people caring. 
I'll let you know how it goes. As usual let me know your fears and thoughts or problems in the comments I love hearing from you guys.
Bye from the girl with the blog xx