Tuesday, 8 July 2014

On a more serious note

Hey everyone 
I know my post are usually very up beat and Cheery but I have just been watching bars and melodies hopeful music video and its all about anti bullying and how they have been affected by it. It made me realise that I've got it lucky I might not be pretty and popular and have loads of friends but at least I am not being bullied and having my life wrecked by someone who thinks they are more powerful and important than me just because they are more popular or because they are bigger because even if they are bigger or more popular it doesn't make them any better than you. 
Size, age, race, male or female it doesn't matter we are all equal and nobody should think they are more important than anybody else and more importantly nobody should feel that they are less important and less loved than anyone else. If you are being bullied talk to someone I know it's easy to type all this and it will be harder to actually do it but you just have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and talk its not fair that you are suffering and people will want to help you.
I don't know if this makes any sense but I just feel really strongly on this subject and as a teenager I know a few people who have been bullied and its wrong. I would love it if you guys could tweet the hash tag  #beatbullying  because we need to get our word across. Thanks for reading and remember size,age,race, male or female we are all equal. 
Bye from the girl with the blog 

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