Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Hey everyone
Like mentioned on twitter if you follow me my name is @musicmystery4 for those who don't if you want to follow me this blog post is on friendship.
Friends are really important and without friends you would be so lonely and at my school I know there are a few people who just walk around school and go for lunch by themselves which is horrible and it's  all because They aren't as not rich just not got as many designer things as other  people or because they are a geek or a teachers pet, but seriously why not be friends with someone just because they want to try hard at school and not get into trouble all the time because seriously it will be the cool, popular couldn't care less type of people that will end up with no friends in the future and no job so they won't be able to by the latest gadgets etc. 

sorry If I went on a rant there and if it didn't make sense and was completely pointless I just needed to say it. Next week I want to do a QandA but on a blog so that you can get to know me better send your questions on twitter @musicmystery4 using the hashtag #askmusicmystery or you can leave a question in the comments. If your still reading this blog and made it to the end thank you because I don't know that I would have read it all anyway bye from the girl with the blogxx

Monday, 28 July 2014

My night time routine

Hey everyone 
Today I am going to be posting my evening routine blog. Hope you guys like it,

First I have to get changed into my amazingly comfy Winnie the Pooh pjs don't judge me they are amazing. 
Next I take my make up of and wash my face with the simple moisturising face wash. 

 This is absolutely amazing and so refreshing. I also forgot to mention that before I wash my face I tie my hair up in a messy bun to keep my hair out my face.
I then brush my teeth as that is very important. After I've done all of that I put some after sun moisturiser all of my body because it is summer and you need to hydrate your skin and I'm very burnt.
After that its time for Internet which I go on for quite a while before I finally go to sleep.

I hope you enjoyed this blog let me know what you thought in the comments or on twitter @musicmystery4
Bye from the girl with the blogxx

Sunday, 27 July 2014

Keeping healthy

Hey everyone
Sorry I haven't posted in like 2 weeks I've been away and the Internet was hmmm let's just say not very good where I was staying. 
Today I thought I would just tell you 3 things that I am doing to try and get fit and healthy, because it is really important to stay active and be eating healthy and I'm not very good at that so here are three things I am going to be doing to help 

Number 1-FOOD 
I am going to have healthy breakfasts. 
I'm not that bad at eating healthy on a morning because I really enjoy having some Greek yoghurt with some fruit and a glass of water but sometimes the Nutella and toast is to tempting so I go for that and I sometimes don't drink either which is not good of me. Tut tut
That brings me on to..........

I am going to try to have a glass of water at every meal time and In between meals because I don't drink enough water I think your supposed to have like 8 glasses of water a day??? I'm not sure let me know in the comments if that's right or not.

Number 3-EXERCISE 
I am also rubbish at doing excercise so I have decided to try yoga because I think it looks really fun, so yeah I will let you know how I get on with that.

Thanks for reading let me know In the comments what you thought of this post and if you want to what 3 things your going to do you can also tweet me @musicmystery4 
Bye from the girl with the blog.

Wednesday, 9 July 2014


Hey everyone 
It's been so warm recently in the uk it is definitely starting to feel like summer. So I thought I would tell you 3 things that I have been loving for summer time.

My first thing is a make up item 
It is of course dr balms by miss sporty these are amazing you need to get one.

My number 2 is a book/film
I'm sure all of you have at least heard of this most of you will have read or seen it so obviously it has to be the fault in our stars by John green I've seen the film and got the book. I cried watching the film so I will have my tissues with me when I read the book.

And last but defiantly not least is a YouTuber Zoe Sugg (Zoella) she is really pretty great at make up, funny and her videos are quite addictive 

Tuesday, 8 July 2014

On a more serious note

Hey everyone 
I know my post are usually very up beat and Cheery but I have just been watching bars and melodies hopeful music video and its all about anti bullying and how they have been affected by it. It made me realise that I've got it lucky I might not be pretty and popular and have loads of friends but at least I am not being bullied and having my life wrecked by someone who thinks they are more powerful and important than me just because they are more popular or because they are bigger because even if they are bigger or more popular it doesn't make them any better than you. 
Size, age, race, male or female it doesn't matter we are all equal and nobody should think they are more important than anybody else and more importantly nobody should feel that they are less important and less loved than anyone else. If you are being bullied talk to someone I know it's easy to type all this and it will be harder to actually do it but you just have to push yourself out of your comfort zone and talk its not fair that you are suffering and people will want to help you.
I don't know if this makes any sense but I just feel really strongly on this subject and as a teenager I know a few people who have been bullied and its wrong. I would love it if you guys could tweet the hash tag  #beatbullying  because we need to get our word across. Thanks for reading and remember size,age,race, male or female we are all equal. 
Bye from the girl with the blog 

Monday, 7 July 2014

Summer breakfast

Hey everyone 
Today's post is going to be a kind of recipe/what I have for my breakfast thing.  This summer I have been trying to eat healthy and exercise, so for my breakfast I wanted something healthy but filling so that I wouldn't be snacking throughout the day so every morning I've been having  some fresh fruit and yoghurt .
I know you don't really need a recipe to make yoghurt and fruit but hey ho.
1) choose 1 or 2 fruits to go with your yoghurt I am choosing strawberries.

2)prepare your fruits by washing and chopping them you will need about 1 or 2 handfuls depending on the fruit.

3) pour some yoghurt into a bowl I normally have a low fat strawberry yoghurt 

4) get the fruit that you prepared earlier and place it on top of the yoghurt

5) done 

*tip- you could sprinkle some granola onto your yoghurt as well if you wanted 

I love this breakfast so much it is tasty filling and healthy it is also really quick, cheap and easy to prepare.
Let me know what you think of This and if you make it tweet me a picture my name is @musicmystery4 and use the hash tag #mmhealthyfoods 

I will be posting tomorrow remember to follow my twitter and google.
Bye from the girl with the blog 😘  

Sunday, 6 July 2014

Outfit of the week 2

Hey everyone
Sorry for not posting yesterday.
Anyway today was Sunday so it is outfit of the week day. Yeah that didn't make sense. 
This is week 3s outfit if the week
I think this is a really cute summer outfit. The dress has a fitted denim top half and then a floaty lace skater skirt bottom I think this goes really nicely with white converse or even some little cute sandals and then a brown leather bag or if you don't like handbags a backpack satchel would be really cute. I don't know where the dress or bag are from but the shoes are just all star converse.
Let me know what you think of this in the comments please follow my twitter @musicmystery4 and everything else which there will be links to in my twitter or on my blog page I think there is a link to my google profile I'm not sure as I'm still new to this sorry.
Anyway bye from the girl with the blog.

Friday, 4 July 2014


Hey everyone 
This blog post is just a kinda chilled and whatever ends up on the page stays kind of thing.  That really didn't make sense oh well.
I don't know if anyone actually reads these posts or enjoys them, but I am enjoying writing them so I guess it's not all bad. I would love it if you guys could leave a comment telling me what you think of my blogs or tweet me my name is @musicmystery4. Sorry this was really short. I am going to put my quote of the day in, but byeeeee from the girl with the blog.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

About me

Hey everyone 
So I've just been looking through my posts and realised I haven't really told you much about me, so I thought I would tell you a little bit about me in this post. 
I love music it has always been my dream to be a famous singer/songwriter or perform in musicals at the west end but I know that that will always be my dream and never my reality, because of my confidence issue. I get really self conscious and anxiouse at the slightest of the things for example saying 'here' on the register in class makes me so nervouse and I don't know if I have anxiety or not because I've never really talked to anyone about it before cause I'm just to scared to. Anyway onto something more positive I think. I wanted to do a YouTube channel as well so basically my dream in life is to become a singer/songwriter or a YouTuber I guess I'd just love to be able to share parts of my life with other people and make them happy. Okay so I've told you about my dreams now onto reality.
I love playing piano and guitar I also love cooking and make up etc. 
My favourite colour is purple or a turquoise.
My favourite food is chocolate or strawberries.  
Right now I am on a bit of a healthy streak because its summer and you are wearing less clothes so you can't hide your spare tires under big hoodys, so I am TRYING to excersie and eat healthy . I will be honest it isn't easy I'm am doing alright at the eating healthy just not the excercise I'm just to lazy if anyone has any cures to laziness please let me know in the comments because I need cured. So yeah that is basically a few things you need to know about me if you have anymore questions you can tweet me @musicmystery4 or leave a comment in the comments below.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post but for now byeeeee from the girl with the blog.

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

25 things to do summer 2014

Hey everyone 
Now in one of my blog post I can't remember which on I mentioned "25 things to do this summer" and I am now going to finally explain it. So I was watching youtuber Alfie Dayes (pointlessblog)s video and it was about his 25 things to do this summer. Basically what it is is you buy a notepad and on each page you write something you want to do this summer for example on your first page you might have go for a picnic and then on the second page make a smoothie it can ANYTHING you want it to be. Once you have completed one of the things you can write about it on the page or get a picture of you doing it or when you've done it and stick that in or do both. I think this is a great way to keep you active and busy throughout the summer. It is also like a little summer journal so you can keep all this years summer memory's in one place and it also stops you from getting bored.
Let me know in the comments what you think of this and you can tweet me pictures of your summer journal my twitter is @musicmystery4 and you can use the hash tag  #25things.
I hope you liked this post.

Tuesday, 1 July 2014

June favourites


Hey everyone 
Today is the first of July so I thought I would do my June favourites post woop woop #crazy.
I am going to be posting my  5 favourite items from each month on the first day of the next month if that makes sense if it doesn't then Just ignore it.

Number ............ 1
So number one is a make up item. It is my dr balm by miss sporty mine is in the medium shade. This is basically just a tinted lip balm but it is sooooo good and smells absolutely  Amazing. I would really recommend this.👄
Number......... 2
My number two is the peach Arizona iced tea. A few of my friends had bought this when we were in France (I don't know if you can get this in the uk #notfair ) and I wasn't going to get it cause I hate iced tea but my friend was like no try some so I tried it and this is like flipping amazing. You can't taste tea in it it is just so good. I also love the bottle so oh yeah. The only bad thing about this is the smell. It has a really weird horrible smell but if you can put up with it then its all good.

Number.......... 3
My 3rd favourite of June is a song.
It is by Ed Sheeran (obviously as I am obsessed with him) and it is called all of the stars. I am honestly singing it as I'm typing. This song is the song that comes on with the credits for the fault in our stars if you've seen that film. So yeah go listen to that.

Number............ 4
My fourth favourite is actually a quote. As most teenagers I love quotes and this is one of my favourites. I think this is just great because its short snappy and really makes you want to enjoy life (well it does with me) and I love the picture in the back of this as well.

Number ........… 5
Okay so we are finally at 5. Can I just point out these are not in favourite order they are just random ones at random numbers.
So number 5 on my June favourites is YOUTUBE I'm guessing this comes under the social media section. Anyway I am obsessed with YouTubers watching them is just part of my daily routine now and if my friend hadn't  made me watch them then I have no idea what I would be doing with my spare time. I can spend hours watching and talking about them so I think I will stop now before you die of boredom Just by reading my favourites blog post.

I hope you guys enjoyed it let me know in the comments what you thought because I don't think I made much sense but YOLO. Byeeeeeee